Saturday Night With Too Much to Think About

Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday. As a lot of people went to go see a beautiful firework show, I stayed home to make sure my doggies were OK. They hate loud noises and I was not sure if they would be able to hear the fireworks. Thankfully, no loud fireworks and my dogs stayed happy. 🙂  Now, the Fourth of July might be different. Any ideas of how to help my little doggies with the noises? I have a Westie and a Pomeranian.

On a side note, I emailed Disneyland about my daughter’s experience with Aurora. Let’s see what they say. If you don’t know what happen, please read my last post.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my unexplained infertility and what my next step will be. My husband and I finally completed our first adoption of our little girl. And we love her so much. But she is 2 and ready for a sibling. I would really love to try IVF again but money is tight right now and I’m nervous about trying IVF again when I have already failed 4 times. Should I keep trying or save my money for a surrogate? Or should I give up my dream of a biological child for my husband and foster/adopt again?

I wish there was a easy answer for this. There are times when this becomes so unbearable that it is impossible to even think nothing but “why?”. Why me?  But there are times now (after 7 years of dealing with infertility) that I can actually think and analyze the situation without going insane. It feels better to know I have a little control of my feelings. I can think with both my heart and my mind. So my decisions are not fully based on how much I would like to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. But based on the logic of what is best for us.

Now this is a good day. Don’t expect this logic when I’m having a bad day and can not think straight.  🙂

Prayers and good wishes to all my fellow women dealing with infertility. And much love to all the women who decided to adopt.

Goodbye June! You were a great month. I hope July is even better.

Till next time,
